Cohort Integration

Provide job name and upload files to process

Job name:

Filter Gene(q-value):

Note: Cohort Integration supports only .maf files with header. Please refer MAF File format for more information.

The .maf file should have the following 16 fields with the column names as:

Position Columnname Description
1 Hugo_Symbol HUGO symbol for the gene (HUGO symbols are always in all caps). "Unknown" is used for regions that do not correspond to a gene
2 Entrez_Gene_Id Entrez gene ID (an integer). "0" is used for regions that do not correspond to a gene region or Ensembl ID
3 Center One or more genome sequencing center reporting the variant
4 NCBI_Build The reference genome used for the alignment (GRCh38)
5 Chromosome The affected chromosome (chr1)
6 Start_Position Lowest numeric position of the reported variant on the genomic reference sequence. Mutation start coordinate
7 End_Position Highest numeric genomic position of the reported variant on the genomic reference sequence. Mutation end coordinate
8 Strand Genomic strand of the reported allele. Currently, all variants will report the positive strand: '+'
9 Variant_Classification Translational effect of variant allele
10 Variant_Type Type of mutation. TNP (tri-nucleotide polymorphism) is analogous to DNP (di-nucleotide polymorphism) but for three consecutive nucleotides. ONP (oligo-nucleotide polymorphism) is analogous to TNP but for consecutive runs of four or more (SNP, DNP, TNP, ONP, INS, DEL, or Consolidated)
11 Reference_Allele The plus strand reference allele at this position. Includes the deleted sequence for a deletion or "-" for an insertion
12 Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Primary data genotype for tumor sequencing (discovery) allele 1. A "-" symbol for a deletion represents a variant. A "-" symbol for an insertion represents wild-type allele. Novel inserted sequence for insertion does not include flanking reference bases
13 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Tumor sequencing (discovery) allele 2
14 dbSNP_RS The rs-IDs from the dbSNP database, "novel" if not found in any database used, or null if there is no dbSNP record, but it is found in other databases
15 dbSNP_Val_Status The dbSNP validation status is reported as a semicolon-separated list of statuses. The union of all rs-IDs is taken when there are multiple
16 Tumor_Sample_Barcode Aliquot barcode for the tumor sample